penny Auction Intelligence

penny Auction Intelligence
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Saturday, December 4, 2010


I have much to reveal about my Penny Auction Experiences
I hope the content of my blog will be an eye opener for Internet users wishing to find entertainment and deals in penny auctions.

Presently penny auctions converted to my FloridaBucks is a total of
Five Thousand American Dollars.
so far I only received a $50 Dollar Lowe's card which I had to print.
When I gather my winnings I will blog about my experience:
I won auctions and could not collect my winnings and manage to have matters corrected then
When I restarted bidding I was cut off in the middle of an auction and saw a pop up stating my account was deactivated.

Please Note: Your account is under review by our Compliance Department for your security and the security of others. We will notify you as soon as possible when you can start bidding again. For questions, email support. Thank you for your patience!
I was cut off of my account and my blog is on pause until I resume
pending the collection of my winnings

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Penny Saved

You likely heard the sloggan " A penny Saved is a Penny earned "
Well there is a new reality era and " A penny bid is more than half a buck "

Welcome to my FloridaBucks blog where you can explore commom sense and learn something about Dollars and Cents in a digital flash of a second.

Money Talks